One Stop solution for all your products

From 2027 onwards, the classic GS1 Barcodes on products are going to be replaced with GS1 Digital Link QR Codes (GS1 Sunrise 2027). Join early with our solution in order to:

Get Interactive Packaging and Product Catalog

Achieve Next Level Product Marketing

Optimize your Supply Chain processes

Optimize Inventory Management

Talk to an expert

If you want your company to be ready for the GS1 sunrise, please contact us. We are here to help.

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Can't wait to meet you

100% GS1-compliant

  • Full GS1 Digital Link support
  • Specialized GS1 QR Code Generator
  • Support for all relevant GS1 identification keys (GTIN, GLN, SSCC, etc.)
  • Automatic updates to meet the latest GS1 standards

Customized Solution from QR Planet

  • Over 10 years of experience with Enterprise QR Code Solutions
  • Personal Account Manager
  • Advanced features setup and support (e.g. SSO)
  • Integrations with your PIM, Supply Chain and Inventory Management
  • Your organizations SSL certificate and Domain

Next Level Product Marketing

Our GS1 QR Code Platform provides you with possibilities that no-one thought were even possible a couple of years ago.

You have advanced ways now of tracking customers, running campaigns and analyzing data.

This way you can leverage new possibilities and significantly improve marketing initiatives with ease.

Laser-focused Advertisements with GS1 QR Codes

Laser-focused Advertisements

With the help of our Dynamic GS1 QR Codes you are able to retarget customers based on interest on one specific product of your portfolio and location.

This means you can run ads to people that e.g. scanned a QR Code of a specific product of your portfolio.

It is also possible to run ads to people that are similar to people that scanned a QR Code on one of your products.

This way of targeting is the most advanced one possible - and many times more effective than traditional targeting by age, gender or generic interests.

Lead collection with GS1 QR Codes

Lead Collection

Collect Leads based on specific product interest.

With our GS1 QR Code Solution you are able to collect contact information of people that scanned a QR Code on one of your products.

This way you can build email lists of people that are interested in a specific product of your portfolio, you even know in which city and which language the person scanned.

Geo-based Campaigns with GS1 QR Codes

Geo-based Campaigns

Run (local) Campaigns/Cashbacks based on Geographic information.

You can use our GS1 QR Code Solution to dynamically run specific campaigns like cashbacks or raffles to people that are interested in a specific product and/or live in certain city.

Advanced Analytics with GS1 QR Codes

Advanced Analytics

Analyze and compare Customer Interaction between Product Lines, languages, media types, etc.

With the advanced Analytics capabilities of our GS1 QR Code Solution you are able to analyze transaction data based on different criteria like country, city, language, device, operating system, etc.

For completely individual analytics you are also able to load the analytical data via our API into your Analytics system like Microsoft Power BI and build your individual dashboards there.

Product Authentication based on GS1 QR Codes

Product authentication

Provide a mechanism to verify that your product is original.

If it is important to you that you are able to verify that a specific product is legit you can use our Product authentification feature to make this possible.

Interactive Packaging

Bring your Product Packaging to the next level! Since real estate on your product packaging is limited use the possibilities that our GS1 QR Code Platform provides to enhance the product experience of your customers. Also include information like reviews and videos that are not possible to be provided on your product packaging.

Geo-based information with GS1 QR Codes

Geo-based information

Display Product Information based on Scan-Location.

With our Solution you are able to provide different versions of product information based on where the user scanned the GS1 QR Code.

This is usually used if you have offerings that are reginally different.

Provide Product Descriptions in different languages with GS1 QR Codes

Different Languages

Display Product Information in different languages.

You can provide product information based on the language of the user that scans the QR Code.

This can boost interest in your products especially for tourists.

It also makes it possible for your company to use the same packaging for different countries.

Nutritional Information and Allergenes with GS1 QR Codes

Nutritional Information

Display Nutritial Information/Addtionial detailed Information.

You can use our GS1 QR Code Solution to provide nutritional information as well as allergens-information in a fast and easy way.

Product Videos with GS1 QR Codes


Provide videos about your product to consumers.

  • Include your Product-Videos
  • Also let your customers make and provide product videos - this increases the trustworthiness of the product by showing it in real-life usage
Interactive Chat with Customers with GS1 QR Codes

Interactive Chat

Provide Interactive Chat-Support at Point of Sale.

What would you have given for the chance to talk to a potential customer 1 on 1 right in the store when he considers buying your product?

Guess what: this is possible now. If a user scans our GS1 QR Code on one of your products you can provide chat support or even a video call to answer open questions.

Can you imagine how this can boost your trustworthyness and even benefit your sales?

Provide structured data to apps with GS1 QR Codes

Structured Data

Provide Structured Data for other Apps to process.

With our GS1 QR Code Solution you are able to provide data for other applications to automatically process.

Possible scenarios are reaching from special nutritional apps on a consumers smartphone to providing additional logistics data for partners in the Supply Chain.

Product reviews with GS1 QR Codes

Product Reviews

Be able to present product reviews you collected e.g. from the Webshop to customers in a physical shop.

You can use our GS1 QR Code Solution to show reviews to consumers at the Point of Sale (POS) therefore increasing the trust and probability for a sale.

It is also possible that you collect new reviews via a scan of the QR Code on the product.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with GS1 QR Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Provide a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to consumers helping them to

  • make the buying decision as quickly as possible at the Point of Sales (POS)
  • use the product (after they bought it)
Product Tutorials with GS1 QR Codes


Provide tutorials and instructions for customers on how to install, build, check and recycle your product.

If there is something you want your customer to know you can make a tutorial about it. It doesn't matter if its assembly instructions or cleaning instructions.

You can provide the Tutorials in differen formats like written or videos, you can even provide them in different languages.


What is the difference between a traditional GS1 barcode and a GS1 QR Code?

The main difference between a traditional GS1 barcode (like the EAN/UPC or GS1-128) and a GS1 QR Code lies in their data capacity, functionality, and use cases:

  • Traditional GS1 Barcodes: Historically used for simple product identification and quick scanning in retail environments.
  • GS1 QR Codes: Ideal for encoding comprehensive product information, supporting supply chain transparency, and enhancing consumer interaction. Can also be used for scanning in retail environments.
To summarize, a GS1 QR Code can do everything a Traditional GS1 Code can do and even more. So, there is no reason to not already switch to the GS1 QR Codes now. In 2027 it will be required to switch to the new GS1 QR Codes anyways (Sunrise 2027).

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When is GS1 going to replace barcodes?

GS1 plans to start replacing traditional barcodes with QR codes by 2027 as part of their "Sunrise 2027" initiative. This transition is driven by the limitations of traditional one-dimensional (1D) barcodes and the need for more advanced data capabilities to meet modern retail and supply chain demands.

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How can I generate a GS1 QR Code?

In order to be able to generate a GS1 QR Code you have to adhere to the GS1 Digital Link format. This format is based on a URL (Unified Resource Locator) and defines how data is going to be encoded. In a GS1 Digital Link you can encode information such as the traditional barcode number, batch numbers, expiry date, and much more.

Fortunately we provide a GS1 QR Code generator that adheres to the GS1 requirements and produces a valid GS1 Digital link by you just having to fill out a form.

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What is a GS1 Digital Link?

A GS1 Digital Link is an innovative standard developed by GS1 that transforms traditional barcodes into a digital format, capable of linking physical products to online information and services. This standard allows for more data-rich interactions and enhanced connectivity between products and the digital world.

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Will QR Codes replace GS1 Barcodes?

Although traditional barcodes provided a lot of value, especially in the retail space, their limitations of storing data is not really enough with dealing with the emerging requirements by consumers. Consumers want to get more information about the product they are currently holding in their hands. That's where GS1 QR Codes come into play to provide additional information e.g. in different languages.

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