Here, questions concerning Network Security in general are answered (encryption, technology, passwords, routers, etc.).
Yes. All changes or additions to our platform (online-SaaS) are developed and tested in a separate environment before being placed into production.
DMZs are employed within our networks. Our firewalls provide logical separations between critical and less sensitive systems and isolate them into segments.
No. All allowed Network traffic and ports are clearly defined and limited in their use. QR Planet's firewalls have no rules permitting 'any' network or port.
Yes. Any network access by remote sources, whether the target network contains Scoped Systems and Data or not, needs to be encrypted.
Yes. As required, all access attempts to QR Planet's network devices are denied by default and only permitted if necessary and explicitly allowed.
Any connection to an external network terminates at a firewall, as required by our Network Security Policy. All traffic is filtered and monitored, IDPS in use.
QR Planet's firewalls provide logical separations between critical and less sensitive systems and isolate them into network segments.
Yes. QR Planet's network devices are kept up to date and secured. High-risk security patches are applied as soon as they are available.
Yes. In accordance with our Network Security Policy, logs are retained for as long and in such detail as indicated by all relevant compliance requirements.
Only custom passwords according to our comprehensive password policy are used in our systems and devices. No vendor default passwords are ever used.
Yes. QR Planet's network devices' administrative interfaces all require authentication and encryption in accordance to our Network Security Policy and all rules.
QR Planet's Network Security Policy is in accordance with current security standards. All our network devices deny all access by default and are up to date.
QR Planet's network engineers and its management review the necessity and need to approve the installation of all new network devices by authorized personell.
All possible remote administration of organizational assets is done by pre-approved parties with restricted access as befits their role (RBAC) and requirement.
Yes. Any system access by remote sources needs to be encrypted, as required by our Remote Access and our Network Security Policies.
Yes. The default passwords have been changed on all BMCs, and they are configured on network address ranges reserved specifically for BMCs and no other devices.
We employ NIDS to monitor and analyze traffic for signs of malicious activities or security policy violations as crucial components of our cybersecurity.
Yes. Wireless networking devices may be connected to QR Planet's networks in accordance with all relevant internal policies and common best practices.
QR Planet's remote access policy includes Multi-Factor Authentication, VPN Access, complex and encrypted passwords, and the monitoring of remote access.
QR Planet's network security policy has been approved by management and was communicated to all appropriate constituents. An owner has been assigned.
QR Planet's wireless policy has been approved by management and was communicated to all appropriate constituents. An owner has been assigned.