Since the launch of the new Infojobs, Spain's leading job portal is progressively incorporating improvements and new features. Earlier this year we saw their new image and recently they launched their product for local job offers: Infojobs local
In this innovative line and incorporating new resources to its strategy of dissemination of job offers and recruitment of candidates, they wanted to experiment with the use of QR Codes (thank you David). Today this product is published in its beta version
The operation is simple. The company that wants to give visibility to its offer in the off-line world can print a poster (in PDF) with the offer published in infojobs simply by cutting+pasting the web address of the same. This application is especially useful for companies with shop windows, bulletin boards, etc.
The PDF shows the offer information and a QR Code at the bottom from where an applicant can capture it and register instantly.
Innovation must be more than a "trendy" strategy and Infojobs is taking it seriously. The leader is obliged to be innovative.
Sign up by scanning the QR of the offer