QR Codes on Power Poles for Reliable Safety Management

Quick Response & Quick Rescue

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QR Codes on Power Poles for Reliable Safety Management

QR Codes - The way to quick help in emergencies

For some it means black screens, cold food and forced romance by candlelight, but for others a high safety risk, or a financial disaster: A Blackout!

Even one broken pole not only strains the nerves of thousands of people, but in extreme cases the coffers of electricity providers with hundreds of thousands of euros over and causes severe economic damage.

The reason for this is quite simply that the starting point of a fault can often not be localized and therefore, in case of doubt, all lines in the vicinity of a region are switched off, which in turn results in the complete interruption of the power supply.

Obviously, cause and effect are no longer in proportion.

Quick Response

Fortunately, APG (Austrian Power Grid), which operates the nationwide Austrian power grid, has smart employees who wanted to tackle this problem with an innovative solution without reinventing the wheel, incurring enormous expense, or tearing deep holes in the budget. And lo and behold, it was very close indeed!

The QR Code is no longer a rare phenomenon and has become an integral part of numerous marketing concepts and a favorite when it comes to information transfer.

These little black-and-white pixels really have it all: not only are they a gateway to exciting, interesting content, but they also come up with technical refinements.

QR Code tracking and the GPS positioning function are used particularly frequently for evaluating the scan frequency, analyzing campaign effectiveness and determining the location of the scanned QR Code. Commercial purposes are usually in the foreground.

However, it is hardly known how versatile trackable and geo-tagged QR Codes really are. And so we were amazed at what a great idea the APG team came up with for their new security concept.

Quick Rescue

APG has equipped more than 12,000 power poles with a QR Code, which is stored with the specific pole information and the exact location data of the power pole.

Power poles with QR Code
Example of a pole board with individual QR Code that is attached to each APG power pole.

If an incident now occurs with, or in the vicinity of, a high-voltage line, such as

  • a traffic accident near a power pole
  • trucks, construction machines or agricultural equipment get into the power line
  • a fire near or under the power line
  • objects (trees, balloons, kites, etc.) are in a power line
  • People on power poles

emergency services or civilians on site who have a smartphone with a built-in camera and an Internet connection can immediately trigger a pinpoint emergency message. Just by scanning the QR Code, the automated rescue measures start immediately. At the push of a button, the detector is connected directly to the security center and can describe his perceptions without having to remain at the power pole.

The use of QR Codes as a security concept - Benefit from many advantages

Significant reduction of error sources

As in the case of dialing due to nervousness of the caller, incorrect assessment of the location of the accident.

Increase of the reaction speed

There is less loss of time, as the emergency services arrive at the scene of the accident more quickly.

Efficient safety management

Security management can be made even more efficient through the use of QR Codes.

Low cost

QR Codes are not only uncomplicated and quickly available, but also extremely budget-friendly.

Success with APG as a partner

Of course, given the seriousness of the issue, it is particularly important for the APG to choose a reliable partner. Below you will find a short interview with Mr. Rakic, the person responsible for the project at APG, on how our cooperation started.

Rakic Stevica - Austrian Power Grid

Good customer service and close contact is very important to me.

Project Manager Mr. Rakic Stevica - Austrian Power Grid AG - Wagramer Street 19 - 1220 Vienna - www.apg.at

How did you come up with the idea of using QR Codes as a solution to your problem?

I am responsible for the processes in our department and constantly strive to optimize them. Nowadays, saving time is more important than ever, both in private life and for us as a transmission system operator. QR Codes are quick, easy, uncomplicated and efficient to communicate information to people. So it was obvious for me to use QR Codes for my security concept. My motto is "QR Codes our way to quick help".

Why did you choose qrplanet.com as the ideal cooperation partner?

I searched the internet for operators that offer services around QR Codes and solutions. It didn't take me long to decide on you guys. Compared to the other providers, you had the most professional web presence and after a short conversation with the team of qrplanet.com it was clear to me that I was right with you. It was a mix of a competent appearance, the awards you have received and the fact that you are from Austria and I can always contact you personally. Good customer service and close contact is very important to me. In every phase of the project the competent team of qrplanet.com was always on the spot.

Last update 1 year ago