This category tackles all things Compliance: Non-disclosure agreements, code of conduct, conflicts of interest and ethics responsibilities.
No. As QR Planet only offers an online SaaS platform, we have no supply chain. All our subcontractors adhear to any applicable European or Austrian legislation.
No. As QR Planet only offers an online SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), we have no health and safety concerns for our product.
No. We only offer an online Software-as-a-Solution (SaaS). There is no production process with materials involved. No discharges into the air, water or land.
No. As a small LLC, Anti-Trust Practices are of no concern to us, and even without formalization we do not engage in any Anti-Competetive Business Practices.
No. QR Planet is not aware of any breaches during its existence.
No. Currently, our policies are not audited but have all been developed by appropriate consultants and were approved by management.
No. As QR Planet only provides a self-programed SaaS online platform and no physical items, this cannot be the case. Also, we do not produce any such items.
Yes. QR Planet ensures compliance with any European Labor Regulation and fully adhears to all Austrian Labor Laws, going much further than any declaration.
Yes. We are committed to achieve Net Zero emissions before 2050. We strive to minimize our environmental impact. Our services are almost entirely cloud-based.
No. As a small LLC, QR Planet neither has an Environmental Policy or subscribes to an environmental management system.
Find a comprehensive description of QR Planet's Access Control Policy, handling all access-related issues for employees, contractors, partners and customers.
Yes, In accordance with our Regulatory Change Management Policy, Management and appropriate consultants regularly monitor regulatory changes.
Yes. QR Planet employs a range of policies, ensuring compliance with any legislative, regulatory and contractual requirements.
Yes. Records within QR Planet's purview are created, stored, maintained and disposed of in accordance with all applicable internal policies.
QR Planet's suppliers and subcontractors are being checked in regards to general compliance and the adherence of sanctions.
Yes. QR Planet is fully compliant with regulatory measures as compelled by any applicable Austrian or European law or rule of conduct.
Yes. As a small LLC, continuous monitoring and oversight are performed directly by our management and appropriate consultants.
Yes. All internal controls and policies implemented by QR Planet are regularly reviewed, validated and changed by appropriate professional third-party auditors.
Yes. QR Planet follows any legal, regulatory or contractual cybersecurity obligations, which is ensured by a set of maintained and regularly reviewed Policies.
QR Planet does not directly engage with clients' customers, neither for marketing, selling or collection purposes. Our White Label Platform can be fully branded.
If applicable, QR Planet's employees undergo annual training concerning the non-disclosure of insider information and any other relevant compliance and ethics responsibilities.
Yes. IPs belonging to sanctioned countries are blocked and no account creations by individuals or legal entities in such countries are allowed.
QR Planet neither openes, changes or maintains financial accounts, nor do we ever initiate financial transactions via any channel.
Yes. QR Planet's Fraud Detection and Fraud Prevention Policy includes a set of procedures addressing internal and external detection and prevention of fraud.
Yes. QR Planet allows client audits or risk assessments if agreed upon. Evidence of internal controls can be made available during such an audit or assessment.
QR Planet is an owner-managed business; All Policies have been created by management, communicated to all relevant Constituents and are known by employees.