QR Interview - Pablo Porcioles, eDreams

QR Interview - Pablo Porcioles, eDreams

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Today we begin a series of QR Interviews, quick response interviews, with communication professionals whose organizations have already started using QR Codes.

Pablo Porcioles, eDreams Business Development Director

How do you use QR Codes in your company?

We started using QR Codes last year in offline communication campaigns, both in our own communication campaigns and in promotional actions. We have developed it in external media (airports and buses) and in actions with FMCG companies

What are your goals when using QR Codes?

Our main objective was to promote the use of the eDreams mobile application to search for flights and hotels. An application that allows users to access all the company's services at any time and that also has a system of integrated alerts that inform, among other things, of possible last-minute changes in the airlines

We consider that the cell phone is a medium that our customers and users use very frequently and we thought that using QR Codes would be a good opportunity to promote the use of this new application.

Have you measured the impact and can you evaluate its results?

We always measure all the actions we carry out. In this case the result has been positive in relation to the objectives we had set ourselves, despite the fact that in Spain the use of QR Codes is still in a period of development. 

Do you have any upcoming projects involving QR Codes?

Our strategy is to promote these codes in promotional actions and through traditional communication formulas.

Do you think QR Codes are a passing fad or do they have a long-term future?

There are countries in which there is a more active use, in the case of Spain it still needs to be further developed. It is necessary for the market to promote it, for companies to use it and for the end user and consumer to see it as a more habitual act of consumption. Companies in the mobile sector (mobile operators and manufacturers) also need to become more involved in this type of action

For our part, eDreams is always testing new formats and we strive to be at the forefront of new technologies

Bus shelter with access to social networks with a QR Code
Bus shelter with access to social networks with a QR Code
Last update 2 years ago