Can I change the subdomain of my account?

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If you sign up for a paid account, you must choose a subdomain or during registration. You can change the subdomain anytime in your account settings.

Your existing QR Codes will continue to work. However, your printed QR Codes will continue to have the old domain, because the domain is encoded in the QR Code. Only newly printed QR Codes will contain your new subdomain.

How do I change the subdomain of my account?

1. Login into your account

Please login into your account. This tutorial is for Starter or Premium plans. If you have a White Label account, please follow the tutorial at the end.


Login Form

2. Go to your account settings

Click on your account settings in the top right of your dashboard.

Account settings
Account settings

3. Set a new subdomain

In your account settings go to the section Update Subdomain and set your new desired subdomain. If you click on Update Subdomain, we check if the subdomain is not already taken. When the subdomain is free, it will be changed instantly.

Account settings - update subdomain
Set a new subdomain
Last update 7 months ago