Has it been approved by management and communicated to employees?
No. As a small LLC, all used devices (mobile or not) and their respective users (employees, consultants) are known to and monitored by management. Any applicable rules of governance are continually and directly communicated to users.
QR Planet's physical security program has been approved by management and was communicated to all appropriate constituents. Management maintains the program.
Management, employees and consultants may use mobile devices within our environment in accordance with all relevant internal policies.
QR Planet's wireless policy has been approved by management and was communicated to all appropriate constituents. An owner has been assigned.
QR Planet is fully GDPR complient. Client scoped data is protected by documented administrative, technical, physical, and environmental safeguards.
Yes. QR Planet's Anti-Malware & Anti-Virus Policy has been approved by management and was communicated to all appropriate Constituents. The policy is maintained.