Do you utilize end user devices for handling Scoped Data?

Desktop PCs, Laptops, Tablets or Smartphones may be used for transmitting, processing or storing Scoped Data in accordance to all relevant rule sets.

Last update 1 week ago

Did you document your end user device security configuration standards?

End user devices under QR Planet's purview are up to the security configration standards documented in our Device, Network Security and Anti-Malware Policies.

Last update 1 week ago

Do you handle activity alerts appropriately at least weekly for all end user devices?

Yes. All used devices and their respective owners (employees, consultants) are known to management. Activity alerts are reviewed and actioned at least weekly.

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Do you have defined procedures in place to appropriately handle systems without anti-virus at least weekly for all end user devices?

Yes. Devices within our environment and networks are protected by anti-virus software. Any potential vulnerbality can be identified and corrected switfly.

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Do you allow the use of mobile devices within QR Planet's environment?

Management, employees and consultants may use mobile devices within our environment in accordance with all relevant internal policies.

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Do you have a mobile device management program in place?

As a small LLC, all used devices and their respective users (employees, consultants) are known to management and rules of governance are communicated to users.

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Do you use personal computers (PCs) to handle Scoped Systems and Data?

Yes, both Windows and MAC OS based personal computers are used to handle Scoped Systems and Data, mostly within the physical compounds of QR Planet and remotely.

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Do you use non-company managed PCs to connect to the company network?

Yes, but only if necessary. This always happens in accordance to our Remote Access, Network Security and Wireless Policies and all relevant security standards.

Last update 1 week ago