How do I create an App Store QR Code in my account?

How do I create an App Store QR Code in my account?

Automatically redirect users to the correct App Store based on their device.

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What is an App Store QR Code?

You’ve launched an app and need a single QR code to direct users to the right app store? The App Store QR Code is the perfect solution: It automatically forwards users to the appropriate app store page based on their device and location.

How to create an App Store QR Code?

1. Log into your account

First, head to our website and log into your account.


Login Form

2. Create a new QR Code

Click Create QR Code to open the QR Code Generator.
Screenshot with Button "Create QR Code" on Dashboard
Hit "Create QR Code" on top of your Dashboard...
Screenshot with Button "Create QR Code" in List view
... or hit "Create QR Code" on top of your list of QR Codes...

3. Choose "App Store" as QR Code Type

On your QR Code Generator Page, choose App Store.

Screenshot with QR Code Type Selection Button "App Store" on QR Code Generator Page
Choose the "App Store" QR Code.

4. Enter the Target URLs to your App Store Pages

Now, a list of possible Target URLs for your App Store QR Code will appear. Fill out each row as needed and leave out those you don't have a URL for. The following services are integrated:

  • Apple App Store
  • Google Play Store
  • Huawei AppGalery
  • Windows Marketplace
  • Amazon Store

You may also set a fallback URL in case the user is following the short URL from a PC or another phone type.

Screenshot of different App Store Link Entry Fields
Enter your Target URLs into the appropriate fields.

5. Set optional parameters for your QR Code

In the Options tab, you can access additional configuration parameters to customize the QR Code or campaign settings based on your specific requirements.

Screenshot of QR Code Options
Set additional parameters in the Options Tab.

6. Click "Create QR Code"

Optionally, set a custom shortened URL and hit Create QR Code to generate the App Store QR Code.

Screenshot of Button "Create QR Code" on "App Store QR Code Page"
Click "Create QR Code".
Remember: A meaningful Short-URL not only looks better if you share the link directly instead of the QR Code, it can also help you identify and organize your QR Codes at a later point.

7. Apply a design and download your App Store QR Code

Find your App Store QR Code in your List of QR Codes  or within the folder you created it in. Click on the QR Code to apply a design and/or download it!

Screenshot App Store QR Code in QR Code Overview
Find your QR Code in your Overview, ready to be downloaded.

8. Save and use your App Store QR Code!

Great! You are now proud owner of an App Store QR Code. Distribute it amongst potential customers to increase your number of downloads.

Example of an App Store QR Code
Scan the QR Code with an Apple or an Android Device and see where it goes!

Adding the multi-country function

Diagram showing the functionality of a multy-country App Store QR Code
Direct international customers to their respective national app store page.

You can add App Store URLs for different countries in the editing mode. The user will be sent to the country's App Page.

1. Edit the App Store QR Code

Go to your App Store QR Code, open the Options Tab and click Edit.

Screenshot of a QR Code´s "Options" and "Edit" Buttons
Open the QR Code´s Options and choose "Edit".

Choose a country from the list, enter the Target URLs into the appropriate fields and hit Save. Now choose another country and enter (or delete) more URLs - until you have set rules of forwarding for all countries relevant to your project or product.

Screenshot of Dropdown "Country" on App Store QR Code configuration page (edit)
Add all available links for the countries you have App Store Pages for.
Remember to save your links before choosing another country!

3. Exit the Edit Tab

Click X in the top right corner or Cancel to leave the editing mode.

Congratulations - your App Store QR Code will now not only forward device-dependently but also country-sensitive!

Screenshot of Button "Exit" and "Cancel" on App Store QR Code configuration page (edit)
Exit/Cancel the editing mode when finished.
Last update 1 week ago