How do I create a Designer QR Code in my account?

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How do I create a Designer QR Code in my account?

When you have registered an account with us and created your first Designer QR Code, you can now design the QR Codes how you like, save the design as template and re-use it for other QR Codes.

How to create a designer QR Code in your account

1. Log in to your account

Log in to your account and go to the QR Codes section.


Login Form

2. Click on Design QR from the QR Code options menu

Head to your QR Code or Landing page section from your dashboard, click down the Options menu and select Design QR.

QR Code with option menu
Options selector for Designer QR Code

Now you are taken to the design page where you have many options to choose from including colours, design, logo, frame, options and templates.

Designer QR Codes Settings
Designer QR Codes Settings

3. Choose the colors and background of your QR Code

You can choose the colours for the background of your QR Code and the foreground. It’s very important to use contrasting colours so the code is scannable and stands out too.

QR Code design color
Color Picker

4. Select Design Patterns

Once you’ve chosen the colours it’s now time to choose the design pattern. There are a number of patterns available for you to choose, not just for the code pattern but also for the marker boarder and marker centre (the markers are there to show you which way the QR Code should be oriented).

patterns and markers for qr code
Pattern and markers picker

Your next step is to decide if you wish to use a logo. The logo will sit in the middle of your design and can help indicate to the user where the QR Code is going to take them. You can choose one from our selection or pick your own.

You can upload your logo as a png or jpg file. However, we recommend the svg vector format. This ensures that the logo is sharp in every size and not pixelated.

A logo that is too small may not have the desired effect on your brand awareness with the person scanning the QR Code, but a logo that is too large will make the QR Code unreadable. You can also remove the background behind your logo so that the logo doesn't overlap with the pixels of the QR Code and looks nicer.

Logo uploaded and logo embedding
Logo upload and logo embedding

6. Select your frames and set a label

The next design element is the frame, which wraps around your QR Code. Often times the frame will help the QR Code to stand out even more and can include a call to action such as “Scan me” or “Download”. There are a few different frames to choose from, plus you can select the text’s size and font, as well as the frame’s colour.

Design QR Codes Frames
Frame and label selector

7. Set a size and an ECL (error correction level)

Once you have chosen all your design elements, under options you can choose the size and the precision. The standard settings of 600 and H-Best are recommended but this does vary depending on the type of QR Code you are creating. The size parameter is only taken into account when you download the QR Code in PNG format. Vector formats do not have a fixed size since the can be scaled to any size. The precision or error level correction parameter is set to the highest value, when you set a logo inside the QR Code. This ensures that the QR Code stays readable.

Error correction levels and size - Designer QR Codes
Size and Error Correction Level controls

8. Pick your templates

The final thing you will see on this page is a set of templates. If you’re struggling to make your design, or simply want one ready-made for you, we have a range of templates. These templates are especially great for social media QR Codes and have been coloured and designed for specific QR Codes such as Facebook, Snapchat, PayPal and PDF.

Designer QR Code Templates
Template selector for Designer QR Code
Our out-of-the-box templates are there to provide you with a creative solution that saves time and gives you ideas to create your own.

9. Download your QR Code

Now you have your final design chosen, all that’s left to do is download or save your template. You can download your QR Code as a PNG, SVG, PDF or EPS depending on if you want to print your QR Code or use it digitally. 

QR Code Download Designer QR Code
QR Code Download Designer QR Code
QR Code Download Designer QR Code and image format selector
QR Code Download Designer QR Code and image format selector

Working with templates

Save your own template

You can save your current design QR Code as a template for future use on other QR Codes and Landing pages. Templates can be applied individually or to a folder/group of QR Codes.

QR Code Save Template
QR Code Save Template

Optional Template Attributes

To save the template, please click on the Save Template button. A popup window appears, where you may assign an optional name or tags for your template, under which it can be found more easily later.

If you use a White Label Account and are logged in as admin, you can also choose to make the template available for all users by enabling the option.

When logged in as a user, you may only view and apply templates. However, you cannot delete templates created by an administrator when you are logged in as a user.

Optional Template Name (admin)
Optional Template Name (admin)

After you confirm with OK, the template is saved in the My Templates section. All your QR Code templates are located in this section.

Template Markers

Template is saved in the section My Templates
Template is saved in the section My Templates

Note that the colored frames around the first two QR Code templates. The first one is an indicator that the template has been created by an administrator. The second green frame is shown when you have selected a template from the My template section.

Delete a template

If you want to delete a specific QR Code template, click on the cross of the this QR Code template and confirm your entry. 

Delete a Designer QR Code Template
Delete a Designer QR Code Template

Overwrite a template

You can also overwrite templates you have created. Simply click on a template in your My Templates section. You will see that the template you clicked on will have a green frame around it. Then you can change colors or logo and click on Save Template. You will now see a new third additional button Overwrite Template to overwrite the template. Additionally, you can save the template as new template as well by clicking on Create new Template.

Overwrite an existing designer template
Overwrite an existing designer template

Designer Limitations


Depending on the selected file format and features used in a Designer QR Code the following matrix explains if the output is pure vector or combined vector with raster graphics.

SVGPDFEPS (deprecated)
With SVG LogoPure vectorPure vectorPure vector
With GradientPure vectorPure vectorMixed vector / raster

Editor / Viewer

Depending on the selected format and features used in a Designer QR Code the following matrix explains which viewers or editors can be used to view and edit the QR Codes.

SVGPDFEPS (deprecated)
With SVG LogoBrowser onlyBrowser / IllustratorIllustrator
With GradientBrowser / IllustratorBrowser / IllustratorIllustrator

You may obtain different results depending on your design software version and capabilities.

Last update 1 week ago