QR Planet's Password Policy

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We utilize and manage passwords in accordance with current security standards and common best practices.


This policy applies to

  • Employees and contractors
  • Partners
  • Customers

with access to the company's SaaS platform or internal systems, both on-premises and remotely.


  • Our password policy applies to all systems, whether they transmit, process or store Scoped or any other kind of Data,
  • and to all constituent and client passwords.
  • It has been approved by management, communicated to relevant employees and is enforced on all platforms and network devices.
  • It prohibits a PIN or secret question as a possible stand-alone method of authentication.
  • It also requires password changes in regular intervals or when there is an indication that systems or passwords have been compromised.
  • It allows for Single-Sign-On (SSO) and Multy-factor Authentication (2FA), if activated on clientside.
  • Initial and temporary passwords are random and complex and have to be changed upon first/next login.
  • The password reset authority is restricted to authorized personell and an automated password reset tool.
  • User IDs and passwords are communicated via separate media channels, like E-Mail or phone.
  • It defines requirements for provisioning, resetting and storing passwords (encryption/hashed).
  • It requires users to keep their passwords confidential and prohibts them
    from sharing passwords, keeping an unencrypted record of passwords and
    from storing unencrypted passwords in automated logon processes (e.g. Macros).
  • System Access will be locked for one minute after four failed login attempts within a period of ten seconds.

Password requirements

The following password requirements apply to all accounts offered on QR Planet's SaaS solution:

All client passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain

  • at least one lowercase letter,
  • at least one uppercase letter,
  • at least one numerical character.
Internal Users' passwords have the same requirements but need to be at least 12 characters long.

Last update 1 week ago