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How to add, remove or rearrange elements of my White Label account?

Add your own contents and functionalities to your instance embedding you own JS or jQuery scripts on the Inject Custom Code > Footer of your Branding section.

Last update 1 week ago

HTML & CSS Guide

When creating a Landing Page you can add any HTML or CSS code in your text area boxes. The following guide give you some ideas about styling possibilities or how to embed multimedia content.

Last update 1 month ago

Replace social icons on my QR Code Business Card

Upload the logos that you want to use in the media section and create a template from the branding section.

Last update 5 months ago

Change the favicon of a custom landing page

Learn how to add some JS code to change the favicon of your landing pages

Last update 1 year ago

How do I get a PayPal Client ID?

First you need to login to the PayPal developer site. Then you create an app and get a client ID for sandbox operation.

Last update 1 year ago

Simulate a GPS position after a QR Code scan

Use your desktop or laptop computer to simulate a GPS location after a QR code is scanned for debugging purposes.

Last update 1 year ago

How do I visualize my scan positions in a map?

Display the location of your scans on a map and embed it in your website · Requires an active account, valid API key and a Google Maps API key.

Last update 4 weeks ago