More QR codes in La Vanguardia

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More QR codes in La Vanguardia

Today's innovative column by Jaime Serra in the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia is titled "Quick Response" and displays QR codes instead of text. According to his twitter account @ja_serra is a graphic artist, columnist and director of infographics in La Vanguardia.

The first three codes link to youtube chats by the author of the column. In the fourth one we find a quote from William S. Burroughs "What appears in the media is meaningless, they always use generalities. There is no such entity as 'most people'.". The fifth is Jaime Serra's vCard and the sixth is a link to his twitter account.

Quick Response - Jaime Serra - 4 July 2011
Quick Response - Jaime Serra - 4 July 2011

In today's edition of La Vanguardia appear this "artistic exercise" of Serra, 2 in full page ads of Nautalia, another in Iberia travel and one in the contacts section, all of them using QR codes. And this is just the beginning

View PDF - 2011-07-24

Last update 1 year ago