QR Codes on instruction manuals

QR Codes on instruction manuals

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Getting a piece of furniture together, assembling a toy or using a DIY tool can be frustrating experiences. Manufacturer's instruction manuals try to help us, and the use of QR Codes can make them more effective and easier to understand.

Add or replace your product instruction manuals with a QR Code. You will improve your customers' experience and save paper


Using a QR Code in an instruction manual, or even, as a substitute for it:

  • You will save on paper, handling and logistics.
  • Your customers will have a better user experience.
  • You will be able to update the content at any time.
  • You will open a new channel of communication/interaction with your customers.
  • No manual will get lost in the bottom of a drawer.


  • Create a multi-language QR Code. With a single QR Code you can redirect your customers to the document in their usual language.
  • Add videos to your instructions. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is the best resource to give instructions.
  • Interact with your customer. Use the context to thank your customer's trust in a personal way and try to collect feedback from their experience
  • Present other related products. This is the ideal scenario to present products related to those in the manual and/or accessories. The last page or section of the manual can be dedicated to cross-selling or cross-selling.


You can place a QR Code with access to the product instructions at:

  • Packaging, blister or wrapping
  • Sticker/s on the product itself
  • On the product website

Metrics and KPIs

Consult in real time the following indicators:

  • Number of scans and single scans
  • Date/Time
  • Device and operating system
  • Language
  • City
  • Country
  • GPS Location (with user approval)
Last update 1 year ago