Per default no. When you enable the email notification function, when a QR Code has been scanned or a landing page is viewed, you can enter excactly one email like shown in the figure below. If you want to inform more people at once you have alternatives.
Use an email group
An email group is a collection of email accounts to which you send emails. When a group owner sends an email to an email group, all the email contacts in that group label will receive the same email. Talk to your email provider how to set up an email group. Once you have setup an email group you can use the email of the email group as notification email.
Use webhooks
As an alternative you can use webhooks. With Webhooks you can send event based information to a customized URL. When an event e.g. QR_CODE_SCANNED occurs, your given URL will be called (webhooked). Your Webhook URL is called as a POST request sending parameters, like which QR Code has been scanned, to your server. Under your Webhook URL you can code a custom script that sends an email to as many receiptients you want.