How do I create a PDF QR code for a menu in my account?

How do I create a PDF QR code for a menu in my account?

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Digital menus with PDF QR codes offer your customers a contactless menu that can be easily scanned using a smartphone. By providing digital menus, restaurant and hotel operators are helping to protect the environment. Unlike printed menus, digital versions do not have to be reprinted every time they are updated, which saves paper and resources. The menu can be uploaded as a PDF file and easily updated without having to reprint the QR code.

How to create a PDF QR code for a menu in your account?

1. Log into your account

First login to your account.

2. Create a PDF QR Code

Go to QR Codes section and click on Create QR Code and then select PDF.

3. Upload your menu

Then upload a PDF file and click Create QR Code.

4. Finetune your digital menu

Optionally you can:

  1. Set a name for your menu
  2. Add a description
  3. Upload a title image
  4. Enable direct download
  5. Set your prefered colors
  6. Use your own shortened url
PDF QR Code Editor
Finetune your digital menu with a PDF QR Code

Frequently asked Questions

How do I change my menu?

You can change your PDF menu anytime and keep the same QR Code. Click on Edit next to the QR Code and replace your menu by selecting or uploading a new PDF document.

How can I view the PDF menu directly without an intermediate page?

You can activate the direct download option of the PDF file without an intermediate page. It works well with Apple devices, since they can display the PDF file directly in the browser after scanning the QR code. This option is not recommended on Android devices, since a download usually takes place in the background and the PDF file is not immediately displayed.

Last update 5 months ago