Optimal size and compression tools for your PDF files

Optimising your PDF files, will lead to a faster download time and you will use less webspace of your account.

Last update 1 year ago

How do I create a PDF QR Code in my account?

To generate a PDF QR Code, create an account, create a new QR Code, upload the PDF file and click Create QR Code.

Last update 1 month ago

Multi-lingual PDF QR Code

Using the multilingual QR Code solution you can create a single QR Code that launches a different PDF file depending on the language of the user's device.

Last update 6 months ago

QR Codes with scheduled redirects

Create scheduled QR code that redirect the user to the appropriate landing page or PDF document depending on the date, time or number of scans.

Last update 2 years ago

How can I replace the PDF file in the QR code in my account?

Yes. Login to your account, choose the QR Code you want to change and click on Replace PDF. Upload a new or select an existing PDF file and assign the new PDF.

Last update 6 months ago

Can I add my own image in my PDF QR Code instead of the default image?

Yes. Login to your account, choose the QR Code and click on Edit. Click on Select Image, choose an image or upload a new one and click on Insert Image.

Last update 1 year ago

How do I create a PDF QR code for a menu in my account?

Create a QR Code and select PDF QR Code. Then upload a PDF menu and click on create QR Code. You can finetune your digital menu by adding a title and image.

Last update 6 months ago

Why is my PDF file not showing after scanning the QR Code?

Make sure the QR Code links to a PDF file that exists. Turn of the direct download of a PDF for Android devices. Try to scan QR Code with native camera app.

Last update 1 year ago

Can I embed multiple PDF files in a QR Code?

Yes, upload the PDF files first and create a landing page with appropriate call-2-action buttons for each PDF download.

Last update 2 years ago