How do I create an MP3 QR Code in my account?

How do I create an MP3 QR Code in my account?

Share your favorite MP3 or web hosted audio file with a QR Code.

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What is an MP3 QR Code?

Want to share an inspiring speech or a cherished piece of music effortlessly? The MP3 QR Code is your perfect tool - just scan and listen, anytime, anywhere.

How to create an MP3 QR Code

1. Log into your account

First, head to our website and log into your account.


Login Form

2. Create a new QR Code

Click Create QR Code to open the QR Code Generator.
Screenshot with Button "Create QR Code" on Dashboard
Hit "Create QR Code" on top of your Dashboard...
Screenshot with Button "Create QR Code" in List view
... or hit "Create QR Code" on top of your list of QR Codes...

3. Choose "MP3 QR Code" as QR Code Type

On your QR Code Generator Page, choose MP3.
Screenshot with QR Code Type Selection Button "MP3 QR Code" on QR Code Generator Page
Choose the MP3 QR Code.

4. Determine your MP3 QR Code's target

Enter the URL to a web hosted audio file (e.g. Soundcloud), click Upload MP3 or press Select from Media Library to choose an already existing one.

Screenshot of Target Selection during MP3 QR Code creation
Choose a target for the MP3 QR Code

Upload or Select from Media Library

Click Upload MP3 to add a new file from your device or choose an existing one by clicking the icon of the file. Confirm with Insert MP3. Now, you can optionally add a label before hitting Insert MP3 again.

Screenshot of Button "Upload MP3" and of an MP3 file in Media Library
You can upload a new MP3 into your Media Library or choose an existing one.
Using an external link, your QR Code will target that page. If you decide for an MP3 file, users will be forwarded to a Landing Page showing our Media Player.

Customize your MP3's Landing Page

Using an MP3, you can now edit the MP3 QR Code's Landing Page:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Album Cover
  • Button and Text Color
  • Add Additional Links
  • Activate Sharing and Downloading
Screenshot of optional Landing Page settings
Customize your Landing Page!
The Landing Page's options will only be displayed after choosing an MP3 file, but not for a URL.
Screenshot of optional Landing Page settings
Add additional links and make it possible to share and download your MP3

5. Set optional parameters for your QR Code

In the Options tab, you can access additional configuration parameters to customize the QR Code or campaign settings based on your specific requirements.

Screenshot of QR Code Options
Set additional parameters in the Options Tab.

6. Click "Create QR Code"

Optionally, set a custom shortened URL and hit Create QR Code to generate the MP3 QR Code.

Screenshot of Button "Create QR Code" and Short URL
Click "Create QR Code".
Remember: A meaningful Short-URL not only looks better if you
share the link directly instead of the QR Code, it can also help you identify and organize your QR Codes at a later point.

7. Apply a design and download your MP3 QR Code

You can find your MP3 QR Code in your list of QR Codes or within the folder you created it in. Click on the QR Code to apply a design and/or download it!
Screenshot MP3 QR Code in QR Code Overview
Find your QR Code in your list, ready to be downloaded.

8. Save and distribute your MP3 QR Code!

Great! You are now proud owner of an MP3 QR Code.

Example of an MP3 QR Code
Scan the QR Code!

How to change the MP3 QR Code's target

1. Click "Edit" or "Replace MP3"

To change the link or soundfile your QR Code is pointing to, hit Edit or Replace MP3.

Screenshot of Buttons "Edit" and "Replace MP3" in QR Code Options
Change your QR Code's target anytime.

2. Replace MP3

Click Replace MP3 to change the MP3 file of your QR Code. You will enter your Media Library. Once there, click Upload MP3 to add a new file from your device or choose an existing one by clicking the icon of the file. Confirm with Insert MP3. Now, you can optionally add a label before hitting Insert MP3 again.

Screenshot of Button "Upload MP3" and of an MP3 file in Media Library
You can upload a new MP3 into your Media Library or choose an existing one.

Your MP3 has now been changed and you will be forwarded to the MP3 QR Code's editing mode.

3. Edit the target URL

You can change the target URL by clicking Edit in the QR Codes options. You will be forwarded to the MP3 QR Code's editing mode. Change the URL in the uppermost entry field.

Screenshot of Entry Field for Target URL of an MP3 QR Code in Landing Page Editing Mode
Change the MP3 QR Codes target URL...

Hit Save at the Bottom of the page for your change to take effect. Congratulations - your QR Code will now point to the new URL!

Screenshot of Button "Save" in Landing Page Editing Mode
... and hit save for the change to take effect.

Landing Page customization

You can customize everything by clicking Edit in the QR Code.

Screenshot of Button "Edit" in QR Code
Click Edit to enter Editing Mode.

You will now see the options you can fine tune in the MP3 QR Code's editing mode.

Screenshot of MP3 QR Code
Set further options and customize your Landing Page in the editing mode.

Set your name, colors and album cover image

You can select an album cover image, button colors, add a website and more optional links for your MP3 QR Code.

Activate the Share and Download functions

Activate these options to give your users the opportunity to share or download your song.

Choose a print medium

Optionally, you can choose a medium for your QR Code. This has no effect on the Code but is used for your internal tagging.

Screenshot of MP3 QR Code Landing Page
Wow - a fully customized Landing Page!
Last update 22 hours ago