Why use Zapier?
Zapier is a solution that allows you to connect different services and automatize workflows. With Zapier Webhooks you can import your contacts as QR Code Business Cards or vCard QR Codes from any source to our platform. You don't need any coding skills or implement code.
What are the advantages using Zapier?
Instead of creating QR Code Business Cards manually on our platform, you can automatize this process. For example, if a new employe at your company is hired, his contact data can be sent to our platform using the Business Card API that is webhooked by Zapier.
How to create a Zap to import Business Cards
1. Create a Zap
Login to your Zapier account and click on Create Zap.
2. Create a trigger
First you have to select a trigger to get the contacts you want to import. For example you can select EasyCSV. Then set New CSV File Generated via Import as trigger event and connect to your EasyCSV account.
3. Select Webhooks by Zapier as action
In the second step you need to setup the action. To do so select Webhooks by Zapier as action. This feature is only available for premium Zapier users.
Then choose POST as the event type and click Continue.
Now set up the action by setting our API Busincard Import endpoint with your secret API Key in the URL field. The second required parameter is the File field. For testing purposes you can set a static URL like shown in the screenshot below or chose a file from your trigger. Click on Continue.
5. Test your configuration
In the last step you can test your configuration by firing the webhook. Click on Retest & review to see the result. If the import was successfull, you will see the number of imported rows like show in the screenshot below.