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Set the primary phone number

Determine under which phone number you would like to be primarily reachable for your visitors

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Set the primary phone number

A new functionality has been added to the Call Now button in the digital business card. You can now specify on which of the phone numbers you entered you want to be primarily reachable via your digital business card.

Digital Business Card
Digital Business Card Extras

In the edit mode of your digital business card, click the Extras section. The Call Now button is in active mode by default. Using the radio buttons that appear, you can now specify which of the phone numbers you entered in the Contact Information area should be stored in the Call Now button of your business card. You can choose between business, private or mobile phone number.

The "Call now" button is linked to the mobile phone number here
The "Call now" button is linked to the mobile phone number here
Last update 11 months ago