Example of a Batch or Lot Number (10) According to GS1

Example of a Batch or Lot Number (10) According to GS1

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What is a Batch or Lot Number?

In the GS1 system, the Batch/Lot Number (AI 10) is used to uniquely identify a specific batch or lot of a product. This is critical for traceability, quality control, and recall management in industries like food, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing.


Application Identifier (AI)10
Data Content Up to 20 alphanumeric characters
LengthNo fixed length (variable length)


AI Format(10)ABC1234567
Full Barcode Example in a GS1-128 or DataMatrix Barcode0101234567890128 10ABC1234567

(01) = GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), (10) = Batch/Lot Number

Real-World Example in Different Industries

Food Industry (Dairy Product)

Batch/Lot Number (AI 10)L20240301A
Barcode Data(01)01234567890128(10)L20240301A

Meaning: This batch was produced on March 1, 2024 and is identified with "A" as a production shift indicator.

Pharmaceutical Industry (Medication Bottle)

Batch/Lot Number (AI 10)B12345EXP202507
Barcode Data(01)03456789012345(10)B12345EXP202507

Meaning: This is batch B12345, and it expires in July 2025.

Electronics Industry (Microchips)

Batch/Lot Number (AI 10)E4567-2024Q2
Barcode Data(01)05012345678901(10)E4567-2024Q2

Meaning: This batch E4567 was manufactured in Q2 of 2024.

Key Points About GS1 Batch/Lot Numbers

  1. Essential for recalls, traceability, and quality control
  2. Can be alphanumeric (letters + numbers)
  3. Variable length up to 20 characters
  4. Always preceded by AI (10) in GS1 barcodes
Last update 4 weeks ago