Example of a Serial Number (21) According to GS1

Example of a Serial Number (21) According to GS1

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What is a Serial Number in GS1?

The Serial Number (AI 21) in the GS1 system uniquely identifies an individual item within a batch or production run. This is commonly used in electronics, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and luxury goods for tracking and authentication.

Format of a Serial Number

Application Identifier (AI)21
Data ContentUp to 20 alphanumeric characters
LengthVariable length

Example of a Serial Number in a GS1 Barcode

AI Format(21)SN987654321
Full GS1 Barcode Example (GS1-128 or GS1 DataMatrix)0101234567890128 21SN987654321

(01) = GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), (21) = Serial Number

Real-World Examples in Different Industries

Electronics (Smartphone)

Serial Number (AI 21)SNX12345A
Barcode Data(01)01234567890128(21)SNX12345A
Meaning: A unique smartphone with serial SNX12345A.

Pharmaceutical Industry (Vaccine Dose)

Serial Number (AI 21) VAX202400018
Barcode Data(01)03456789012345(21)VAX202400018
Meaning: This is an individual vaccine dose #18 from the production batch.

Medical Devices (Pacemaker)

Serial Number (AI 21)PM4567891234
Barcode Data(01)05012345678901(21)PM4567891234
Meaning: This pacemaker has a unique serial number for traceability.

Luxury Goods (High-End Watch)

Serial Number (AI 21)LUX2023X001
Barcode Data(01)07098765432109(21)LUX2023X001
Meaning: A unique, trackable watch produced in 2023.

Key Features of GS1 Serial Numbers

✅ Uniquely identifies a single item (not just a batch)
✅ Alphanumeric, up to 20 characters
✅ Always preceded by AI (21) in GS1 barcodes
✅ Essential for anti-counterfeiting and individual product traceability

Last update 4 weeks ago