How do I restore a deleted QR Code?

How do I restore a deleted QR Code?

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Go to your account settings and click on Logs

To recover a deleted QR Code, please go to your Account settings in click on the Logs button.

Access to account activity log
Access to account activity log

Click on Restore next to a QR Code

You will see a list of deleted QR Codes. When you click on a Restore button the corresponding QR Code will be undeleted.


Action Short URL Target URL
Restore 05ahbm
Restore apple32
List of QR Codes that you can restore

Please note that restoring a QR Code will not bring back old scan statistics since they were deleted for good. You cannot restore advanced QR Codes and landing pages. In that case you must re-create them manually using the same short URL.

Bulk created QR Codes cannot be restored either. However, the same list or CSV file you used to create them can be reused. Previous statistics cannot be restored here as well.

Last update 1 year ago