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How do you handle a downtime?

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How do you handle a downtime?

We are aware our service can be critical for our customers; therefore, we take the security and stability of our platform as a top priority. All server services are monitored 24x7 by us automatically, so that our technicians become self-employed in case of occurring disturbances, in order to be able to eliminate errors as fast as possible.

Uptime Status

We have a publicly available external service keeping you informed, if there are any downtimes and the uptime track history of our service:

Ticketing System

For individual, non-global disruptions within a user account, which are reported to us by the customer, we ensure the fastest possible problem-solving.

Users can directly start a chat or leave a ticket from the following link:

For tickets placed on our live chat regarding service availability, we guarantee a response time less than 24 hours.


In case of maintenance tasks we inform you upfront via E-Mail, in the portal and our official Twitter channel. Updates on unexpected downtime are also communicated through Twitter:

Backup and Recovery time

In case of any technical issue which cause the platform to go offline we have a second data center on a different physical location on hot standby. All data is mirrored every hour and the recovery time objective is less than 12 hours in case of a failover.

More Information

Last update 3 months ago