User Password Requirements and Guidance

Which requirements must be met by my passwords and what do you recommend?

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Having a secure password is one of the cornerstones for reliability and security of any service in the Internet. Here you can find our requirements and recommendations concerning your passwords for your account on our platform.

Hard Password Requirements

The password for your QR Planet account must be at least eight characters long and contain

  • one lowercase letter,
  • one uppercase letter,
  • one numerical character.

When changing your password, reuse of the last 3 passwords is prohibited.

Our Recommendations

Password Complexity

  • Please create a strong and unique password for your admin and user accounts.
  • We recommend your passwords to be at least 12 characters long and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numerical characters, and symbols.
  • Easily guessed passwords such as “password”, “123456,” or personal information like birthdays should be avoided.
We urge you to report any suspicious activity or security incident via one of QR Planet's multipe support channels.

Keeping your Password and Account safe

  • Passwords should be updated regularly and changed immediately if there is any suspicion that they have been compromised.
  • Passwords must not be shared with others or stored in an easily accessible location.
  • We recommend to use reputable password manager solutions to generate and store strong passwords safely.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (2FA) should be enabled to add another layer of security.
  • System Access will be locked for one minute after four failed login attempts within a period of ten seconds.

Last update 2 weeks ago