Why do I not receive a confirmation e-mail after registration?

For security reasons an activation link is sent went opening an account

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Confirmation e-mail

For security reasons, if you register an account with us, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with an activation link from from [email protected].

You should receive this e-mail within minutes.

Please make sure that this address is not blocked by your e-mail provider or the message has been moved to the spam/junk folder.

E-mail went to spam folder

Please check if our e-mails are delivered to your inbox. If they end up in the spam or junk folder, please whitelist our e-mail address.

Our e-mail domain is greylisted

Some e-mail providers use Greylisting and don't deliver our e-mails to the recipient after the first try. Our e-mail server is trying to send the e-mail again after some time. Only after a second deliver attempt, the e-mail is routed to the recipient. In the worst case this procedure can last up to one hour.

Forwarding problems

If your e-mail provider is checking the SPF-records you might not receive our e-mails when you forward them to another e-mail. Please read forwarded e-mails are not delivered.

For most e-mail providers, you can also add our sender address or domain to your whitelist to ensure safe delivery.

Other reasons

If you still do not receive an e-mail from us, you have the following options:

  • Contact your system administrators. They can check why the e-Mail was not delivered
  • Register with a different e-mail address
  • Have you misspelled your e-mail address? Correct it here.
Last update 10 months ago