This category gives insight into business resiliancy programs, continuity procedures, disaster recoveries, backups and subcontractor resiliency.
No. As a small LLC, ensuring business continuity is a standard management activity and as such continuously monitored and reviewed. No formalization necessary.
Yes. We depend on our ISO 27001-certified infrastructure provider, Hetzner, who is based in Germany and is a leading provider for cloud computing.
Formal agreements have been established for third-parties to provide immediate notification of a disruption that impacts any of their services rendered to us.
Formal agreements have been established with QR Planet's key service providers and processes developed that coordinate planned responses to business disruptions.
Yes. QR Planet's formal Information Technology Disaster Recovery Program has been implented as part of our regularly reviewed Vulerability Management Policy.
In accordance with QR Planet's relevant internal Policies and all compliance requirements, planned disaster recovery exercises and tests are scheduled annually.
Backups of QR Planet's (production) data are performed in full accordance with all relevant internal Policies and compliance requirements and are stored on-site.
Yes. QR Planet's backup integrity and all related restoration procedures are tested at least annually and reviewed by management and appropriate consultants.
Yes, but our backups containing Scoped Data are stored on-site, in an environment where the security controls are equivalent to production environment security.
All backup or replication errors are reviewed by management and appropriate consultants, and resolved in accordance with internal policies and compliance needs.
No. As QR Planet is a small LLC, business resiliency is a standard management activity and as such continuously monitored and reviewed, without formalization.