How do I integrate Zoho CRM in my QR Code account?

How do I integrate Zoho CRM in my QR Code account?

...and automatically export contacts from my landing pages

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You can use different integrations to connect your account with other systems like CRM- and marketing systems for you to be able to exchange data automatically.

One of those services that you can integrate in your account is Zoho CRM.
This post contains technical details like generating API tokens. Please get in touch with an IT expert on your end to help you setting it up if you get stuck.

What is an integration?

Integration typically involves linking different software applications, services, or systems to enable smooth interaction and functionality.

For instance, integrating a customer relationship management (CRM) system with an email marketing platform allows customer data to sync automatically, enabling targeted email campaigns based on user activity.

How the Integration works with your account

An integration is based on a combination of a

  1. Trigger Event you want to react to. A trigger can be for example a new lead that submits his contact data on a Lead Form or a Digital Business Card
  2. Service that you want some action to be taken in e.g. Zoho CRM
  3. Use Case that you want to be performed in the service if the trigger event has happened e.g. create a new contact
Diagram of Integration building blocks for Zoho CRM
Integration building blocks for Zoho CRM

How to integrate Zoho CRM with your account

1. Get Client ID and Client Secret

First, log into your Zoho API Console (EU) and click on Add Client.

Zoho has different datacenters and domains for different geographical locations. Please make sure you log into the correct one (as you use for your regular login into Zoho apps):

Screenshot: API Console Applications, highlighted Add Client
Click on Add Client

Choose Server-based Applications.

Screenshot: Client types, highlighted Server-based Applications
Choose Server-based Applications

Enter QR Platform for the Connected App Name and make sure Server-based Applications is selected in the dropdown.

Screenshot: Highlighted Client Type and Client Name
Enter a Connected App Name and make sure Server-based Applications is selected in the dropdown

The next step in Zoho will be to enter the Redirect URL. This one is unique and based on your account name with our QR Code Platform. Lets figure it out!

2. Determine Redirect URL in your account

Please open a new tab in your browser and log into your account.

Head to our account and log in. Once logged in click on the menu Integrations.


Login Form
Screenshot: menu with "Integrations" item selected
Click on menu Integrations

Click the button Connect to Zoho.

Screenshot: Integration overview with highlighted integration "Connect to Zoho"
Click the button Connect to Zoho

Now scroll down until you see the Authorized Redirect URL and Homepage URL. Copy them to your favourite text editor. We will need it in a bit.

Screenshot: Zoho Instructions with highlighted "Redirect URL"
Scroll down until you see the Redirect URL. Copy it.

3. Finish Zoho configuration

Next, switch back to the tab where you have your Zoho API Console page open.

Paste the Authorized Redirect URL as well as the Homepage URL you just copied before and click on Create.

Screenshot: Highlighted Homepage URL and Authorized Redirect URL
Paste the Authorized Redirect URL as well as the Homepage URL you just copied before and click on Create

Copy the Client ID and paste it in Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac). Repeat for Client Secret. We will need them later.

Screenshot: Highlighted Copy buttons
Click on Copy to copy Client ID and Cient Secret

That's it, we are now finished in Zoho and ready to finish the configuration in your account!

Finish Integration Configuration in your account

Switch back to the browser tab where you copied the Redirect URL before.

Now it is time to fill out the integration form. First, choose a Name that you want to use. This will be shown later in your list of integrations. So, pick something that makes sense for you to easily find it again.

Screenshot: Integration form for Zoho with highlighted input field "Name"
Fill out the integration form

Choose a Trigger event you want to happen to start your integration. In our example we choose New Lead from your Digital Business Cards. This trigger is fired when a user exchanges his contact data on a Digital Business Card with the two-way contact sharing feature.

Screenshot: Integration form for Zoho with Trigger event list
Choose a Trigger event

If you want you can filter the trigger, so the integration workflow is only executed on a set of chosen Business Cards.

This becomes handy when you want to connect one card to Zoho and another card to a different service like HubSpot or to another Zoho account.

Screenshot: Integration form for Zoho with dropdown filter for "Trigger"
If needed choose a filter for your trigger

If you don't enter anything into the filter field, then the integration workflow is triggered on all Digital Business Cards.

Next, we need to choose a Use Case. A Use Case specifies which action should be taken in Zoho CRM if the Trigger event has happened.

In our case we chose Add Lead. So every time a new lead from a Digital Business Card is being generated it gets added as a Lead in Zoho CRM.

Screenshot: Integration form for Zoho CRM with highlighted dropdown for "Use Cases"
Choose a Use Case

Now paste the Client ID and Client Secret that you copied from Zoho before into the form. You saved it in Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac). This ensures that our QR Code Platform can connect to Zoho and perform the necessary Use Cases.

Screenshot: Integration form for Zoho with highlighted Zoho Client ID, Client Secret and "Connect" button
Paste the Client ID and Client Secret into the fields

Next, click on the button Connect to save the Integration and test the connection.

You will then get redirected to the Zoho Login. Please enter your credentials and click Next.

Screenshot: Login to Zoho
Enter your Zoho credentials and click Next into the fields

Choose the system you want our QR Platform to get access to and click the Submit button.

Screenshot: Access Gratn screen for Zoho with highlighted system and Submit button
Choose the system you want our QR Platform to get access to and click the Submit button

Click on Accept button to accept the access of our QR Platform to your Zoho system.

Screenshot: confirm Access Grant screen for Zoho with highlighted Accept button
Click on Accept button to accept the access of our QR Platform to your Zoho system

Click on the circled arrows to test the connection.

Screenshot: Integrations list with highlighted Test Connection icon
Click on the circled arrows to test the connection.

If everything worked out fine, you will get a success message at the top of the page. If there was a problem, please double-check that you pasted the correct Client ID and Client Secret into the fields.

Screenshot: Success message
Success message

Congratulations, you just configured a Zoho CRM integration workflow!

Please be aware that for every combination of Trigger and Use Case you must create a separate integration workflow.

Test your Integration

To know if the integration is working do the following test: Open a Digital Business Card and click on the button Exchange contact.

Screenshot: Business Card with highlighted button "Exchange contact"
Click on Exchange contact

Then fill out the form and click on the button Send Business Card.

Screenshot: Excahnge form and button "Send Business Card"
Fill out the form and click on the button Send Business Card

Now the magic happens and the contact John Doe is going to appear in Zoho CRM a few seconds later.

Screenshot: Zoho CRM Lead Detail for "John Doe"
New lead "John Doe" shows up in Zoho CRM

Congratulations, you've successfully set up a Zoho CRM integration that works!

Last update 2 weeks ago