What should I pay attention to after creating the QR Code?

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What should I pay attention to after creating the QR Code?

After creating a QR Code, there are several key aspects to consider ensuring it functions effectively and safely:


Always test the QR Code with multiple devices and QR Code readers to ensure it works as intended. Check it on various smartphones and QR scanning apps to confirm compatibility.


Ensure the QR code is clearly visible and accessible. QR Codes should be printed in a high-contrast color scheme, typically black on white, to be easily scannable. Avoid placing it where it might be obscured or in low light conditions.

Size and Placement

The perfect size of the QR Code should be appropriate for the distance from which you expect it to be scanned. A general rule is that the scanning distance is ten times the size of the QR Code. Also, consider the environment—it shouldn't be too high or too low for an average person to scan.

URL Safety

The URL encoded in the QR code should be secure, especially if it directs users to a website where personal information might be entered. Use HTTPS to ensure the connection is encrypted.


QR Codes have error correction capabilities, which allow them to be scanned even if part of the code is damaged. When generating a QR Code, consider setting a higher error correction level if you expect the code might get worn out or partially obscured.

Tracking and Analytics

If applicable, use a QR code generator that allows you to track how many times the QR code is scanned. This information can be valuable for business or marketing analysis.

Update Capability

If the information linked to the QR Code might change (like contact information or URLs), consider using a dynamic QR code. Dynamic QR Codes can be updated without changing the QR code itself, allowing you to modify the redirect link of the QR Code as needed.

Ensure that the use of QR codes complies with any relevant legal requirements, especially concerning data protection and privacy if you collect personal information.


Consider the accessibility of the QR code for all potential users, including those who might not be familiar with how QR codes work or who may have disabilities. Providing clear instructions or an alternative method of accessing the linked information can be helpful.

By paying attention to these aspects, you can maximize the effectiveness and security of your QR code.

Last update 2 months ago