Import contacts to QR Code Business Card or vCard QR Codes

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Import contacts to QR Code Business Card or vCard QR Codes

Why do I need QR Codes on business cards?

QR Codes on business cards enable you to easily share your contact details. On our platform you can create QR Codes that hold all your contact information in a simple user interface. You can choose if you want to create a dynamic QR Code that redirects you to a landing page or a static vCard QR Code. In any case, once you scan the QR Code, you can store all the contact information to your address book. But what if you have thousands of contacts and you want to create a QR Code for each of them?

QR Code Business Cards can be manually created or imported through CSV or VCF files.

You can create a batch of QR Code Business Cards for all employees in your company. We have developed an import interface for you to upload a file and create all contacts at once. 

After a successful import, a QR Code Business Card or vCard QR Code is created for each contact in the file. In addition, you can select a business card template to determine in advance how the business cards should look after the import. 

How do I batch create a group of QR Code Business Cards?

1. Log into your account

Log into your account to access your Import menu.

Please note that mass creation vCards is only available for paid subscriptions.


Login Form

2. Go to the import section 

Click on the Import section on your sidebar menu and go to Import contacts to batch create your QR Code Business Cards or static vCard QR Codes

Import businesscards
Select the import contact wizard

3. Create the import file

csv left and vcf icon on the right
You can use a .csv or .vcf file to import your contacts

Prepare a file .csv or .vcf with all the contacts that you need to create. You can also generate them from your Outlook Address book automatically with your existing contacts.

CSV Example

Download this CSV example to understand the structure of the csv file.

The business cards will use the first name and last name of the contact as shortened URL (e.g.

To add a custom text in the About me section of your business card use the column notes in the csv file.

Optionally, you can use the last column to assign a custom shortened URL to each business card (e.g.

VCF Examples

You can import individual or combined .vcf files as shown in this single VCF example or this combined VCF example.

If you want to add a profile image for the contact you add a base64 encoded image in the PHOTO field. This is also done by Outlook automatically when you export your contacts.

4. Select the import file

Select the .csv or .vcf import file that you created in the previous step.

Upload your contacts file
Upload your contacts by selecting the import file from the previous step

5. Choose the type of business card

The contacts can be created as a business card landing page or as a static vCard QR Code.

  • Business card landing pages: can be updated anytime and have their own short URL (recommended)
  • vCard QR Codes: can be read offline but info cannot be updated
Business card type selector
Select between a vCard QR Code or a QR Code Business Card

6. Encoding options

You may need to turn on the utf-8 encoding if there are any malformed characters after importing the business cards.

UTF-8 encoding selector
Switch on the UTF-8 encoding selector in case of malformed characters on import

7. Apply a template

If you have already created some business cards, you can use any of them as a template. The company logo, background image, GDPR links, call-2-action buttoms and the custom CSS will be used on the bulk created business cards.

Template selector
Template selector to apply the look and feel of an existing business card

8. Assign a destination folder

Optionally, you can create different folders to keep your contacts organized and select where you want to create your new business cards. You can also create new folders first before importing.

Destination folder selector
Destination folder selector where your business cards will be imported to

9. Manage the imported batch

Once the batch is created, you can download all the QR Codes for that group, delete them, reset the tracking data, switch the GPS position on/off and switch the scan notifications on/off.

Business cards - Group edition
Batch edit or download all QR Codes

Using Outlook to create the CSV import file 

Microsoft Outlook allows you to export your contact information from an address book into a .csv file ready to import into your account.

Bulk create your business card via API

You can create QR Code Business Cards by uploading contact data information through the Business Card API.

Last update 2 years ago