Paperwork, a jungle of authorities and long waiting times. Many people have these expectations when it comes to visiting public offices and authorities. But that doesn't have to be the case, because the QR Code for public offices and authorities provides a remedy.
Creating the QR Code for an office or authority is simple and straightforward with our QR Code generator.
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Instead of making an appointment in person over the phone or by email, you can use an appointment form. By scanning the QR Code, people seeking an appointment are simply forwarded to this form. This way, people no longer have to search for the appointment booking on the authorities' website, but are taken straight to the form.
An appointment can then be arranged by day and time and in the correct department. This measure considerably reduces the time required by the employees of the authority or office. This leaves more time for processing applications or attending appointments.
Questions keep popping up, the phone keeps ringing and the mailbox is full. A FAQ section with explanatory videos or instructions is a good way to answer them. A QR Code directs questioners straight there.
Whether general questions or specific information - thanks to QR Codes, many issues are resolved immediately. A form-filling aid also helps to reduce the amount of time spent on advice and saves long queues or waiting times for emails.
Feedback from people is not only an important tool for improving procedures or processes in the business sector. Public authorities and agencies also benefit from receiving feedback. Everyone's voice is heard and suggestions for improvement and opinions are simply submitted via the QR Code. This helps with administrative tasks and with the future organization of various things.
This information can be collected and evaluated. If there is a need for something in a community, the authority can respond to it based on the increased number of inquiries or suggestions received.
QR Codes can be used to announce planned road closures or foreseeable traffic obstructions. This avoids traffic chaos. But also nice things like a planned city festival or similar events are easily communicated via a QR Code and thus the information is widely disseminated.
Create a QR Code for authorities or offices easily and in just a few steps.
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