Use our QR Code Generator to create interactive fitness QR Codes. Our free service will help you make your fitness, sports or wellness studio user-friendly for your customers.
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By integrating the QR Code for fitness studios into your marketing strategy, you can achieve exactly that. Improved interaction with customers can also give your business a new boost. Here are some examples of how a QR Code can benefit your gym.
QR Codes With Scheduled Redirects
With Social Media QR Codes on flyers you can inform your target groups that all important information is available on Facebook and Instagram. Flyers or posters are cost-effective ways to inform members about seasonal opening times, new class schedules, training plans and prices.
With a QR Code
Your advantage is that you can advertise and interact with the target audience at the same time.
Social Media QR Code
Present courses: In the reception area it is possible to advertise new courses with a video QR Code and show directly what each course has to offer. When the customer enters, a simple scan is enough to view the videos on their cell phone. On your personal mobile page, you can compile the video content yourself and add a link to an online registration form or another website.
Instruction on fitness equipment: Here you can create the QR Code with a link to a video or a precise text description. Beginners or members who do not come to training regularly have the opportunity to learn how to perform exercises correctly and what to pay attention to.
Video QR Code
Use helpful reviews because customer feedback via Google Forms is extremely valuable information. You can use the user experience to find out what needs to be improved in the gym and work on it. The scanned review code can be used to find out what customers actually think about the new group course or course schedule.
Ask a simple question on the customizable mobile page where users can give their opinion. Each of the reviews is sent directly to your desired email address, eliminating the need for paper surveys.
QR Code Reviews
The easiest option for members is the studio's own app. Here members can find out about schedules, training sessions or the availability of individual training sessions. Additional information from trainers can also be found here.
With the App QR Code on your website, customers can easily download the app. With a single QR Code, linking to multiple app stores is possible, for example: Google Play Store, Apple App Store, Amazon Appstore and more.
App QR Codes
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